Property Tax Information

Tax Rate for FY 2022

The Town Tax Rate for FY 2022 has been set (NH taxation has the 1st bill of the 2022 FY go out in November of 2022 with the 2nd bill to follow in June 2023).

The Overall Tax Rate is $34.28 per mill. (A mill is equal to $1,000 of assessed valuation of property).

The complete breakdown in taxes, and their corresponding increase/decrease, is indicated below:

MUNICIPAL$11.29$11.14- $0.15
LOCAL EDUCATION$17.55$19.72+$2.17
STATE EDUCATION$1.85$1.39-$0.46

The Lisbon tax year is April 1st through March 31st.  

Property taxes are billed semi-annually, with due dates of July 1st and November/December of each year.  The second billing can only be done after the State Department of Revenue sets the years tax rate.  In order to set the tax rate the Department of Revenue has to have received the Town's financial information AND the Schools financial information.  The town does NOT have any control over the schools finances and/or financial reporting.

If you do not receive your tax bill by late May or late October, due to a change in address or sale of property, for example, please call the tax collector at the number above. The Town of Lisbon is not responsible for you not having received your tax bill due to one of the reasons described here.

The first billing is an estimated bill figured on the tax rate of the previous year, and is usually half of last year’s total. The second billing reflects the actual amount, based on the tax rate for the current year. This is usually determined some time in October by the State of New Hampshire. Any adjustment, either up or down, is reflected in this billing.

The first and second billing, combined, cover the entire tax year. So when your December bill is paid, your taxes are paid through March 31 of the following year. There is no breakdown of coverage on specific months.

Interest will be charged on delinquent property taxes at a rate of 8% per annum per billing period and 14% per annum on tax liens. Taxes are delinquent if not paid by due date on bill (not end of tax year).  Please call Tax Collector to get current total if you are paying late!