Muddy Roads

muddy Road

Muddy Roads

Our Highway Department is aware that many of our dirt roads are in tough shape.  They are out checking them regularly and correcting what they can.  Please keep the following in mind;

  1. Stay off the dirt roads! if you do not have to travel on them, don't. The more the vehicles stir up the mud the deeper the mud gets and the longer it takes to dry out. If you live on the dirt roads try to minimize your trips
  2. If you must travel a dirt road, try to time your trips to coincide with the colder temperatures. Early morning trips might be easier, particularly if the temperatures went below freezing. The colder it gets, the stiffer the mud will be.
  3. Often taking heavy equipment out onto the soft dirt roads makes the situation worse. 
  4. We are all hoping that Mother Nature will begin to cooperate soon and get us out of this mid-winter mud season.  Please try and be patient. 

If you absolutely must travel on a dirt/gravel road

  1. Be patient! if you come up to a muddy spot and you have on-coming traffic, alternate who goes through the mud. If you both try, you both may find yourself stuck. The sides of the road will be the softest, stay to the middle of road as much as possible.
  2. If the mud get really bad, we will put some stone out in the center of the road, Stay on the stone, getting off to one side is a sure way to get stuck. As you start through a muddy section, DO NOT STOP! Continue moving until you are through. Stopping or hesitating increases your chances of getting stuck.